This reminds me of a true tale.
Before I relate it though - Please, this is NOT intended to offend friends
across the pond!
My father in law was on an aircraft service crew on a British carrier on the
N Atlantic convoys during the war. He endured 4 arctic winters, was
torpedoed 6 times and survived a sinking. He had a few tales, although I
believe like many of his generation who went through such experiences, he
found it too personal and difficult to "open up" on the more harrowing
Anyway, one thing he did say was that his crew looked after Spitfires and
Hurricanes which used the Rolls Royce Merlin engines. They carried complete
spare RR engines and regularly swapped out units and fully stripped and
rebuilt them during the course of a convoy patrol. In the later years they
were supplied with replacement Merlin engines built in USA under licence.
When the American engines developed a fault they were simply swapped out -
and just dumped overboard! Apparently they were told to dump complete
engines if they needed anything more than a very basic fix.
----- Original Message -----
From "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob at>
Subject: Re: Bugeye Front drum brakes
> LOL, Paul....
> Same thing has been going on in the TV
> biz for years! "Throw Away" society....
> "not repairable".