Go to my Tech tips section on my web site. Jetting the DGV is and
experimental process. There are two sets of jets and one set of
emulsion tubes. First, if you did not buy it new, check that these
three items are at their stock values. If they are not, replace with
a stock set and start there. Then, work you way incrementally down in
size. You can get blow up diagrams off http://www.piercemanifolds.com
and order parts there too.
At 9:18 PM -0400 7/9/04, Dbcooper292@aol.com wrote:
>I think I have made some progress, I believe I've got the dreaded multiple
>semi-related or overlapping problems, but I'm getting there. With
>the new fuel
>pump and etc.it will hold 3,000 rpm (in neutral) seemingly forever, so that's
>an improvement. I think I've got some carb tuning issues to work through
>next. Is there a good web page that goes through some weber (dgv)
>tuning/troubleshooting steps? Not the basic idle circuit setup
>stuff, but more like jetting
>or diagnosis?
>I'd be happy to hear anyone's basic jetting recommendations too but I'm
>guessing the main sentiment would be it depends on too many variables to say.
>Mark M.
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
~French Proverb