Hey y'all
As you may recall, I just put a new engine in my Midget 1500. I also
replaced my cracked exhaust manifold with another old but solid manifold.
It was running smoothly for about 200 miles, but then the loud sounds
indicative of an exhaust leak appeared. The manifold and exhaust gaskets
have been replaced again, but the sound still occurs.
I have a few questions about this:
- is the only other likely source of the exhaust leak a newly-cracked
- will driving around with an exhaust leak all day, say at the Tamaqua LBC
rally, damage the engine? I just spent 2 years putting in the new one, so,
ya know...
- Is it time to just replace the Zenith Stromberg carb with a Weber?
- Do I have other options? I'm running historic plates, so the car doesn't
need to be inspected
- Does anyone know where I can get a Weber carb cheaply?
I'm going to be a student soon, so I can't really afford a Weber carb kit,
nor to pay a shop to put it on. If I can just drive around for July without
having to spend a ton, I would be really happy.
Thanks everyone!
John Gottstein
Weehawken, NJ - soon to be Atlanta, GA
PS: the clutch problem is fixed, so I'm (somewhat) back on the road!