I was just going to unhook a few wires Friday night to get ready to pull the
motor out of Bugsy on Saturday, but things went too easily. Inspired by tales
of the legendary Frank C., I had the motor and tranny out an hour later.
Everything is stripped apart and all the bits are ready to go off to the
machine shop as soon as the pistons arrive from APT.
Once you have done it once or twice, it really is very easy to pull a spridget
motor by yourself. Damn near trivial. The only time I needed help was to
carry the bonnet through the side gate to store it safely in the backyard. I
can carry it alone, but to get it throught the gate without scratching it
needed the assist of the boss.
With a good hard tug, you don't even have to remember to undo the ground
strap. It just pulls apart nicely and dangles there to remind you to say