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Re: Retro Car Magazine & digging dogs

To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob@webtv.net>, "Spridget List" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Retro Car Magazine & digging dogs
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 15:20:32 -0500
References: <15870-40BE3362-798@storefull-3136.bay.webtv.net>
> ^ _  _ ^
>    =0=  ......zzzzzzzzzzzz

> Cap'n. Bob
>      '60 :{)

Ah, the "Cap'n Bob and Phred" module is back on line!
I guess it took a little longer to bring that module back than to get the
list running again. I am glad that Mark has his priorities straight. Of
course maybe Mark tried to enhance the module with a bit more Phred
Phunctionality and that is what caused the list silence in the first place
(wait a minute, cat and function, no wonder there was a problem).
David Lieb
1972 Midget

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