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CA smog testing

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: CA smog testing
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 12:48:35 -0700
References: <3D96EA1D14BE37409A756486A6169141DA0CFF@MAIL2.sti>
Spridget lister Craig wrote:

" New to the list here, just been flying under the radar for the last couple
of weeks. For those in California, I found a piece of news to be concerned
over, and others as well, because so many things perpetuate from California.
Legislation to repeal old car emissions exemption has been reintroduced in
the California State Assembly. A.B.2683 repeals the current exemption for
vehicles 30 yrs old and older from emissions testing and puts into place a
requirement for all vehicles that are pre '76 to have emissions testing.
This legislation was introduced by California State Assemblywoman Sally
Lieber (D-District 22). Assemblywoman Lieber can be contacted through email
at Assemblywoman.Lieber@assemby.ca.gov "

I wrote a letter to Assemblywoman Lieber which I include below for you to
copy if you like.  But do remember to use the following address as the one
above won't work unless you add the 'L' to assembly.

Dear Assemblywoman Lieber,

It is my understanding that you have submitted legislation to require
emissions testing of vehicles older that 30 years.  This proposal cannot be
founded on any sort of statistical reality.  The number of vehicles more
than 30 years old on the roads of California is very small.  They are
virtually all collector cars used primarily for shows or limited local
driving.  Their contribution to California's smog problem is practically

I'm disheartened to see such ill-considered legislation proposed instead of
legislation that would make a significant difference in air quality.  A
legislative amendment that offered tax incentive or reduced license fees for
low emission vehicles would have a chance of making a real contribution to
improving air quality.
If you want to make a real difference in air quality, consider basing the
California vehicle license fee on the EPA published mileage rating for each
vehicle.  A Hummer, for a politically charged example, would then bear the
appropriate cost for its contribution to the state's air quality problems.

I think that what bothers me the most is the lack of research and thought
that is suggested by legislation such as this.  We really do expect better
from our elected representatives.  Do your homework, study the numbers, and
then tell me this proposed legislation will make the slightest difference.

Glen Byrns

While I don't really expect this letter to get to you, I'm just hoping that
sending it won't trigger the mailing of some generic boilerplate about
"appreciating your concern" and thanking me for my support.

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