When installing needles, the shoulder must be flush with the bottom of the
piston, else it will be way too rich. (pushing them into the piston deeper
can be a temporary "fix" for lean needles, btw)
Peter C
At 10:48 AM 4/4/2004, Frank Clarici wrote:
>Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>> From official maint manual...needles for
>>factory stock Sprite 948's...
>>Standard V3
>V3s came out of the carbs, way too rich or they have been altered over
>time. Maybe these carbs came on this 948. But even with the adjuster nut
>all the way up, it fouled the plugs and stunk up the neighborhood.
>We'll see how the GGs do.
>Frank Clarici
>Toms River, NJ
>Back up to too many sprites again.