hmm.. ok where would I find the prop rod then?
On Feb 20, 2004, at 9:11 PM, Frank Clarici wrote:
> Lester Ewing wrote:
>>> Prop rod.
>> hmm.. is that a left over item? That is to say that the hood has
>> spring loaded supports on either side so why a prop rod? Oh yeah,the
>> valve cover has two plates, both of which are nothing more than dull
>> aluminum at this point. Was there something important there?
> Lester
> The prop rod was a safty device. Just imagine if one or both side
> supports let loose when you head was under there.
> You raised the bonnet until the side catches clicked in, then raised
> the prop rod to keep it supported.
> The aluminum v/c plates were "Austin" and the other was the "Patents"
> tag.
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Toms River, NJ
> Back up to too many sprites again.