my father had a line that rings in my ears to this day!
"kid, if ya don't know what yer doing.....don't do it!"
he has not said it to me for quite a while (thank god!) but when i was
little , boy did i hear that a lot! with the amount of equiptment in his
shop i had evry chance to not know what i was doing, over and over!
i'll never forgetthe time i tried to use the oxy-acetelyne outfit for the
first time when he was not there! black floating soot thingies were
"evrywhere"....and i mean evrywhere! all overa customer's jag and his race
car! and i tried to blow them off and wipe them off and ya know whut a
cream e type jag looks like with black smears all over it..looks like?
i'll tell ya! it looked a whole lot like i was about to get a spanking
from my dad (couldn't sit for a day from that lesson!) ....and i did!
boy-o-boy was he furious with me! (had evry right to be too!, i was only 8
or 9 at the time!)
been there.....glad i did not ignite it! ........ ;)
-----Original Message-----
From Wm. Thompson <willy at>
To: Charles Christ <>
>Hear here.
>As some one that grew up working for my father, (from age 12) every time
>that blow hard on occ starts belittling his son, I cringe.