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Parts & Paint

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Parts & Paint
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 21:48:42 -0800 FILETIME=[E69581C0:01C3D998]
Just put a bunch of parts on e-bay. As far as I have been able to determine 
the stuff is all MKI. If your interested in any of it I'd be glad to provide 
every last detail of what I know about em.
Very restore able bonnet, trunk floor pan, rt side floor pan, axel 
shafts,tie rod assembly,steering columns and a lot of assorted tyranny's in 
various states of disassembly. I just got a 60 from my Dad  Dad had in 
storage for a couple of decades. Included is most complete of another 60 
that he disassembled for parts. Anybody looking for anything in particular? 
I might have an extra. Thanks for the paint info. I want to return mine to 
the original white and I was wondering about where I was going to fine the 
paint codes.

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