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Re: visiting again

To: <mg@sgi.com>, <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: visiting again
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:12:32 -0800
Auth-sender: cbking@alum.rpi.edu
Thread-index: AcPUkWqXLnXapG69S7+/bC1nIjUcRA==
Thread-topic: visiting again
I don't think there are any LBC events near New York (not quite the
season!), but I'm sure some of the listers in the area could swing in
one evening for a pint. I work about 1/2 hour at most from Manhattan
(which includes sitting in traffic at the tunnels), so I'm game.  Is
linuxworld at the Javits Center?

Chris King 

 <-----Original Message----->

                 From: Mike Gigante
Sent: 1/6/2004 3:05:27 PM
To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: visiting again 

I'll be in Minneapolis Wed 14 - Mon 19 Jan, NYC Tues 20 - Fri 23 Jan 
(for the linuxworld conference), and the bay area Sat 24 - Wed 28 Jan 

If there are any LBC or other fun events that coincide with my visit 
please let me know. 

cheers, Mike 


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