--- "Peter C." <nosimport@mailbag.com> wrote:
> To continue......
> Today's spam can contained many offers of things
> that, well....
(NOTE: the following is composed completely of titles
of spam currently in my SPAM mailbox),
While entering to win a trip to Universal Studios, I
refinanced my home through a girl just waiting to meet
me. It was clear she had removed unwanted hair while
calling for hot jobs now on her free Nokia phone. We
listened to 100 free CDs, but her pet Emu apparently
ate the Lifestyle stereo after drinking free gourmet
coffee for a year. I hope to later banish my fat
forever, but I'll need online instant insurance for
the Botox injection I can get if i reply TODAY!!!
We started to get cozy but, apparently, one pill
doesn't do anything at all.
Don't Ask Me,
Ron Soave
"Chi spende meno spende piu."
- Aunt Tessie
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