That would be too easy!! (too close to the forest to see the trees I guess)
Never mind......
Robert Webb <> wrote:
Now, let me get this straight, you want me to go measure a nut that I
don't have in deep storage, and tell you what size it is after you
cut it off and have it in your hand. Is this a trick question?
Bob, Troutdale, OR
--- In, Larry Pitts <FUZZY95687@Y...> wrote:
> Thanks for all who answered.
> I think Chuck is correct as the pin is aft of the switch housing
and is not the pin that holds the knob on the shaft. It appears as it
would limit the travel of boht the cable and the turn of the switch
if inserted in the hole just aft of the switch housing. The pin has
is knurled end but definitely is not an interference fit in the hole.
I guess a little "accumpucky" will solve that issue. The cable
housing was split in-two but the cale was intact. The housing
wouldn't take solder so I covered the housing with electrical heat
shrink tubing. Seems to work well.
> Bob, yes, I whinced when I cut off the windscreen washer pump. I
guess after 15 years in the elements the nut just wasn't going to
budge even after soaking for several days in PB Blaster. I did save
all the pieces so all I need is the easy part, the pump itself.
(LOL). The knob is in especially good shape. What size is the
retaining nut by the way? (Its between 1/2 inch and 9/16).
> Larry Pitts
> 60 Bug