I don't agree with any of the statements about the disadvantages of wire
wheels. In fact I would say that keeping a set of alloy wheels in good order
take as much time unless they are a 100% painted.
I don't do any maintenance on my wire wheels and they have been on the car a
long time.
Kerb a wire wheel hard and yes you may damage the rim. Kerb an aluminium
alloy wheel hard and yes you may crack the rim.
If anyone wants to know the real disadvantage of wire wheels it is that once
you get into the wider rim sizes there is a weight penalty which I accept as
about the only compromise on my car. The other penalty which is not an issue
for me is that you cannot run low profile tyres on them (or easily or
recommended) because you need to have an inner tube and yes the inner tube is
also part
of the weight penalty.
It's your choice whether or not to have wire wheels but make that choice on
the facts or on cost.
In a message dated 04/11/03 12:41:29 Pacific Standard Time, RBHouston@aol.com
> Gil, sounds like you have the same mixed emotions I do. I love the way the
> wires look, but I'm not sure of the maintenance issues either. I DO know
> that
> I won't be trying to tune them myself.
> As far as cost goes, the knock off minilites look pretty cool too.
> Maybe someone on the list that supplies parts (ED) or has access to these
> wheels (ED) or something (ED) could post a price comparison of the wires and
> minilites (ED) or rather minilite replicas.
> ????(ED)?????
> Robert Houston