Interesting how this discussion turned from my "test track" driving
experience to "how to stroke a car salesman". I guess we all know
this happens, but lest it gives anyone ideas for entertainment some
weekend, you should know that this attitude costs people their jobs.
There is one fellow that started 2 weeks after I did and he was
dismissed last week because he didn't sell any cars in 3 weeks. He
went on lots of test drives but never made any deals. Now some of it
is probably due to some lack in his ability, but I know from the
number of forms I have from taking people out that many seem to find
this a good source of entertainment. Dealers expect a high closure
rate (unrealistic as it may seem, 1 out of 2). Not making your quota
in # of cars they expect you to sell means no job. In most cases, you
have to "take turns" getting a shot at a customer, so the guy who
comes in for a "fun time" costs you an opportunity to make money with
the serious buyer that comes in.
Technically, I'm making minimum wage, but I have to repay that
advance from any commissions I make AND it carries forward to future
months earnings as well. So in reality, it's a straight commission
job. I don't subscribe to high pressure sales, but it shouldn't be
surprising that so many do because of the antics of many "shoppers".
One more thing, if you think salespeople lie to you, you should hear
some of the stuff customers can come up with... makes a salesman
sound like an alter boy... LOL
> >> You pretend you are interested in buying a car.