Not to worry, Robert....
Liability insurance is getting so expensive
that a lot of Doctors either are, or will be
getting out of the business momentarily,
anyway. And this is no joke, believe me.
Just another example of the general
decline of "quality of life" here in the
good old USA due to whatever reasons
one cares to choose, inclusive of gov't.
becoming an "occupation" rather than
a "public service" with respect to our
Senators & Reps..
I'm no fan of Hillary but one must give
credit where credit is due...she saw
this along with other problems of this
ilk coming down the pike a long, long
time ago. we are. Very nicely done
American government and Big Business
interests. Good job. Of the people, by the
people and for the people? Not to the
extent it used be by a long shot. And,
unfortunately, it's gonna get a lot worse
before it gets better I am afraid, but I'm
on the down side anyway...
Corporate greed knows no bounds in
terms of social irresponsibility and
corporate money backs the two major
party candidates to one extent or the
other. All bought and paid for in advance
and these people expect a return on their
"investment" when the time comes.
And if you seriously stand in "their" way
in this respect, recent history indicates
you won't be standing there for very long.
Hey, Holiday is over...gas is coming back
down again. How about that?! What a
surprise! :)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)