It sounds like one of the detent balls is not in the right place or maybe
stuck. Try wiggling the 3rd/4th shift arm slightly to make sure it's in the
neutral position. 3rd/4th shift arm has to be in neutral before you can
move the 1st/2nd shift arm.
----- Original Message -----
From "Brad Fornal" <toyman at>
To: "Spridgets" <>; "Yahoo Spridget list"
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:37 PM
Subject: Transmission stuck in 1st
> I have the unit out, cleaned and on the ground. I have the side cover
> off, and have tried to pry the shift arm forward to get it out of gear.
> It will NOT move. So before I break something, what am I missing, why
> will it not move??
> Brad
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