I am a little timid about the Spridget list. So ..... would you please
guide me with a kind note or correction when & where necessary.
SpriteSpree 2003, SS'03, is only four months away! That's 117 days and
counting to be exact. This Meet is in honor of the 45th anniversary of
the Austin-Healey Sprite and origin of the Spridgets. In all reality,
besides you guys and gals, who else is going to pay much homage to our
little Spridget cars with a week of fun and enthusiast commrauderie?
We have done it in the past and it was great fun. One big party, for a
few days, every five years. It all started back in 1988 with Spritefest
'88. AND, Lord willing we will party together again in 2008 for the 50th
anniversary after SS'03.
A few months ago a number of brave souls got together and decided to help
each other run SpriteSpree 2003 and have another big party. Now it is
your turn. I am asking for everybody's help: 1.) ... to get this
message out to all interested parties ASAP, 2.) ... to make a dream come
true ...... 100 Sprites at one place at one time . 3.) Find the time to
join us in the World's Largest modern-day Gathering of Sprites.
There is so much to tell. Here are some ways to get in contact to
satisfy your curiosity and get some answers.
(717) 534-2525 (personal dental office phone number, Monday through
Friday, 9 - 12 1 - 5 dental office hours, after hours an answering tape.
YES, you may call me at the dental office.)
(717) 534-2222 (business dental office phone number, same hours as above,
same answering tape, YES, you may call this number.) The auxiliaries in
the dental office (now enlisted as SPRITE elves & leprechauns ... Cindy,
Valerie, Jeanne, Danielle and Joe, Billy and Jim ) know what is going
on (they have helped to run these Meets in the past) and will answer
questions and record the necessary information.
(717) 379-5752 (Rick Moses' business cell phone for after regular office
(717) 379-5572 (Cindy's business cell phone for after regular dental
office hours)
All these numbers are also used for my dental office so do not hang up if
you hear the prerecorded dental message. Leave your message on the tape.
Telephoning is the quickest way to get an answer.
For e-mail replies to your questions and suggestions use
spritespree2003@juno.com. Start your e-mail subject with SS'03 for my
ease in finding your message.
A SpriteSpree 2003 registration form is available at numerous locations.
Just ask for it. We will make sure you get one.
Keep smiling,
Rick Moses
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