lol! rust can appear any time it darn wants to! no doubt the darn stuff
was tiny pin holes and have grown to create the blisters as they are being
called. this is what happens when a partially rusted panel is not cut out
far enough or the filler is not waterproof filler in a moisture prone area.
hey, if the car is that the cowel and be done with it! it
beats doing an entire car from scratch.
that's the simple explanation of the situation. there is a much longer
explanation but it would just bore many .
been there broke that.
----- Original Message -----
From "DL" <lissdave at>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 9:51 PM
Subject: Paint blisters on potential purchase?
> Tomorrow, I'm going to take a look at a 1965 Midget that's for sale in my
area. On the phone, the owner said that the car had been restored and
painted. All rotted panels were either replaced or patched with metal. The
floorpan and one rocker were replaced and the other rocker and 1 rear wing
received patch panels.
> I believe that the owner said that the paint is a relatively new Imron
paint job (within the last year). He also said that there are 5 small
blisters on the A-pillar and stated that they are likely due to small rust
pits that must not have been covered by the rust neutralizer that he used.
He aslo said that there was no rot in the A-pillar, just the surface
> Although I haven't seen the car yet, is his expanantion about the blisters
feasible, or should I be concerned that a poor prep job was performed that
could lead to serious corrosion issues.
> Any other things I should look for, or other potential pitfalls that I
might face with my first Midget?
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