Sure enough, in my case the valve clearance, which I was postive I had set
putting on the valve cover, was out of wack. (Well actually 3 of the 4 cylinders
were OK) Now the thing purrs with an idle of 700 rpm.
Looked at that, they are ok.
> I would check the plugs, ignition wires, points and valve clearances for
> starters.
Plugs are new Bosch, wires are good, points and condenser are new, valves are
> Next see if you getting the good supply of gas to both carbs, Dashpot oil?
> Check the floats all before messing with the needles.
The back carb is getting fuel and the jet on the front carb is dripping, the
dashpots are topped off. Floats and needles are working fine.
> For clods like me, that SU air thingy with the little tube on the side, beats
> the heck out of the tube up your ear.
I can Unisyn the hell out of it, but it won't pull fuel!!!
> Colortune works great too
> David Oliner
> 59,60 Bugeyes
> 67 TR4A
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