At this exact moment in time: 6/20/02 1:57 PM, "Brad Fornal"
<> made the profound revelation:
> wrote:
>> Well, there's nothin' in Texas but steers and que...well, nevermind.
> Moo, Moo, Buckaroo!!!
Brad prefers sheep
>> Also, our very own listers, Frank Clarici and chuck christ, each live about
>> 90
>> minutes from Philly, and (Larry Macy is even closer!)
> The Macy comment is supposed to HELP your argument?!?!!??
Naturally, Where else you gonna find a long haired Spridget driver that
still looks the part of when these cars were new and will come to your house
to fix your car?? (with the assistance of the Organization of Spridget
Handymen and Investigative Team)???
>> Everything in Texas is a coupla hundred miles from where you are. :-) They
>> also have poisonous snakes and the temperature is 150 deg, from the middle of
>> January to the middle of December.
> But that gives us alot longer time to enjoy our LBC's. No salty roads and that
> kind of stuff. I put the top on sometime in November and take it off around
> mid
> February..................
And your point is??
Let's see top ON in November, off in Feb?? Me thinks you like driving with
the top up.
>> At least that's what I've heard. Other than that, it is very dusty.
> Austin is in the Texas Hill county, very green and pretty, go down and check
> it
> out. There are several listers in the area that can show you the joys of some
> of
> the roads less traveled in an LBC.........
Philly is in the NE of the US, we got the Adirondacks to the south, the
Pocono's to the north, and a whale of very cool roads, hills included
betwixt here and there. And not too far from the best LBC country, Skyline
>> I better shut up now!
Actually, me neither (sorry Allen)
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question
and you're a fool for the rest of your life.
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