Try Winner's Circle or someone like Pagasus Racing
At 12:24 AM -0400 6/22/02, Dave Yealy wrote:
>Well I finally got around to changing the tires on the bugeye from 145's to
>175's the car rides a lot better but it isn't as responsive as it was with
>the earlier ones. What I need is 2 wheel spacers for the rear. I have about
>3/8" clearance from the rear spring to the inside sidewall of the tire and
>when I go into a hard corner the sidewall rubs the spring. Does anyone know
>where I can come up with the spacers? I'm guessing they should be about
>3/8", of course then I'll probably have the change the studs. Why is it one
>thing always leads into something else ???
>60 Bugeye
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