Yesterday I was able to tow the 77 Midget home. Mixed bag, I guess, because
the wrecking yard that was storing it for me had two MGB GT's. An offer has
been made, and they will probably be following me home shortly.
A friend had just reacquired a 75 Midget with a low mileage rebuilt engine
in it that is becoming the donor car for the 77. I spent today pulling both
engines and swapping ancillaries. I couldn't resist pulling the pan on the
77 to figure out what went wrong. Can't explain why, but the crankshaft
broke right where the #4 rod journal meets the last counter weight. The
force of it all happening at 70 MPH, 4000 RPM split the rear main cap in
two, and stretched the rear of the block! Wow what a twisted mess inside.
Absolutely nothing reusable from the bottom end as it appears that the force
bent all of the rods, even the cam looks bent. SUCKS! Anyone need a boat
David Riker
63 Falcon
70 Torino
74 Midget
77 Midget
98 Accord
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