Why open it if it runs so good... is the curiousity that bad?
At 12:59 AM -0400 6/20/02, Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>Exactly so, Gerard.....
>Thanks anyway, Paul, but it just looks like
>I'm gonna have to open it up and find out!!
>So be it....darn thing runs so damn well
>I just can't throw it away. Well worth having around as a spare but
>so if it's a "CC".
>My new 1293 runs pretty smoothly and
>produces far more serious "vibrations",
>even at 8.3-1 but, nothing matches the
>silky smoothness of the little 1098 it
>Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)
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>References: Gerard <pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com>'s message of Wed, 19
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>Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 21:27:52 -0700
>To: "Paul A. Asgeirsson" <Pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>
>From: Gerard <pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com>
>Subject: Re: 1098 engine....CC or CG?
>Cc: "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob@webtv.net>, spridgets@autox.team.net
>We knew that Paul, the question is how can you tell if it's one or the
>other if the serial # plate is missing and you don't want to drop the pan.
>Bob was asking me if you can tell by the casting number on the block.
>At 8:31 PM -0700 6/19/02, Paul A. Asgeirsson wrote:
>>The 10CC is the 2" main engine, the 10CG is the 1 3/4" main one.
>>Paul A
>>Gerard wrote:
>>> Don't know offhand. I have a 10CC block around but not a 10CG so I can't
>>> compare if the numbers are same of different.
>>> Paul Asgeirsson will probably know.
>>> Gerard
>>> At 2:33 PM -0400 6/19/02, Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>>> >"Pixelperson"
>>> >
>>> >I wonder if you might be able to help me
>>> >out?
>>> >
>>> >The 1098 engine I pulled and replaced with my Rivergate 1293 has the
>>> >following
>>> >number on the left, middle, rear of the block:
>>> > 12G432
>>> >
>>> >Is there any way this number can be used
>>> >to find out whether the engine is the "small main" or "large main" 1098
>>> >as
>>> >unfortunately, the engine came without
>>> >it's identification "plate".
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Cap'n. Bob
>>> > '60 :{)
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