For too many years my 2-car garage with separate overhead doors housed my
BMW 3.0 CS & my wife's car-of-the-moment and too much accumulated house &
car debris. My other cars were relegated to the carport & the parking area.
Having recently sold the BMW & Alfa Sprint & buying the Turner I was
motivated to measure the one bay to see if both the MGB & Turner fit. Nope,
a foot too short. But, they might fit side-by-side.
During the last few weeks I cleaned out a bunch of "stuff" and epoxied the
garage floor. Last Saturday was the test. First the Turner was driven as
far into the extreme left side of the left-hand bay as possible without
rubbing against the cement wall or hitting the front wall. Since it's rhd,
easy out.
Then the lhd MGB. Eased it in between the Turner & the lolly columns.
Voila! It fits with room to spare including space to walk between the two
cars. Now, if only my wife could back out with "das Boot" (The Saab is a
real boat compared with my toys.) without dismantling the stone wall
adjacent to the right side of the driveway as she backs out. Maybe I'll cut
down some of the "deer-food" shrubs I have so she can go straight back.
Sure would be nice to keep BOTH LBC's warm & cozy.
Norm Sippel
'66 MGB
'59 Turner (Sprite powered)
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