I'm probably the wrong person to comment since I'm running a 4.55 with a 948
and ribcase box. (And yeah, it does sound like angry bees on the highway.)
But I think the 3.7 would be too high for this set-up. Once you got it up to
cruising speed the low revs would be nice but we're probably talking 0-60 mph
times of 30 seconds. You'd lose some acceleration with the 3.9, but probably
not enough to outweigh the advantage of lower cruising revs. If the 948 has
any horsepower boosting modifications you'd be right in the range of the
original 1275 engine/rear end combo.
Happy Healeying,
In a message dated 6/11/02 3:49:33 PM, writes:
<<I wanted to save the 3.9 for my other
Bugeye that will get a 5 speed, so I was thinking of putting the 3.7 in
this one. I'd like some feedback from anyone that tried different combos. I
don't want to end up being bogged down climbing the steeper grades on the
freeway, but I'd like to save my hearing as well...'-)>>
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