Eliminate the work part and everything will be OK.
Geoff Branch
'74 Meejit "Yellow Peril"
'72 Innocenti 1300 Mini
----- Original Message -----
From "Ron Soave" <soavero at yahoo.com>
To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Spridget wheel painting tip
> Today's tip:
> If you wake up at 5 am, get to work at 6, work 12
> hours, run to the Tae Kwon Do studio to watch your
> kid, run home to change, go to your own Tae Kwon
> Do/Self Abuse class, get home, realize you are down to
> your last rattle can of Krylon Bright Silver, run out
> to Wal Mart to get more, then watch a Yankee game on
> TV while trying to put a final clear coat on one of
> your wheels, you can accidentally mistake a can of
> "Engine Hi Temp Silver Enamel" for the can of clear
> coat and spray half the wheel before you realize it.
> =====
> Ron Soave
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