Well, as the originator of all this, I think Brent has it exactly!
Back to the starting point ... use the combination of filter to do the
filtering and magnetic sump plug to collect the metal debris - and
also to act as a tell-tale for inspection. The system works fine, and
has worked on these engines for the last 50 years. I guess one could
fit an extra drain at the front end of the sump for a second magnet
but it really is not worth it.
----- Original Message -----
From "Brent Wolf" <wolfbj at prodigy.net>
To: <midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: 07 June 2002 06:01
Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] Re: Magnetic sump plugs
> Which brings us back full circle. The use of the magnetic oil drain
plug. A piece that is removed every oil change, inspected, cleaned
and put back in. Putting a magnet on the oil pan would collect
particles in the low flow area and trap these particles to the
magnetized area.
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