Congratulations! I know the feeling exactly and I can tell you that
it lasts for a long time. It's great when your peers vindicate your choices
during the restoration. Just because you do not go "bone stock" does not mean
won't have a beautiful and desirable car. If the only problem you have had is
tranny, well welcome to the club. No big deal. For a minute I thought you were
going to say you were hit by someone with no insurance or something like that.
can always be worse. First Place is First Place even if the car goes home on a
Mike MacLean-60 Sprite
Mike Weeks wrote:
> Well everyone, I guess I need to tell of my adventure this past weekend. Was
> my 1st publicly judged show for "Bloodshot" at Harkness Park in Waterford Ct.
> The day stated at 8:30 with some sprinkles here in RI. Did I put the top on,
> Hell no. Took the 2 showers I drove through like a trooper. Then met up with
> my club members at 9:30 across the state. (Don't forget, RI is small) then
> we caravanned to the show, about another 45 min. Car ran great no problems at
> all, water temp, oil pressure everything, no problems. Arrived at the show at
> around 10:30, then I registered and found my spot on the show field, and broke
> out the collapsible chairs and tables, and just kicked back and enjoyed the
> beautiful New England day. There were about 300 cars at the show, real nice
> show. So I went around and casted my votes for all the different classes of
> cars and went and had a bite to eat. There were 7 cars in my class, 3 bugeyes
> and the rest sq bodied sprites. A maroon bugeye next to me was the one I
> thought would win. Well, when it came down to the final tally, I guess the
> public liked what I did, cause I received my 1st, First place for my car. All
> I can say is the feeling I had at that moment compared to the one I had when I
> got a Hole In One playing golf. It was one of the most satisfying feelings
> I've ever had and made all the waiting and work, and money worth it. But, as
> the title of this message goes, there was a bad. After packing up and
> preparing to leave, I got in the car and drove off the showfield and right ion
> the middle of the road, my 5 speed decided to lock in 2nd gear. Took four of
> us to rock it so I could at least get it into 5th where we could at least roll
> it off the road. So I had to ride home in the front seat of a flatbed.
> yesterday the engine and tranny were pulled and another 5 speed is being
> installed. So I guess the moral is like the title, Ya gotta take some Bad
> with the Good. IT was still worth it though!
> Mike Weeks
> 60 Bugeye "Bloodshot"
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