Geez, if you are thinking that the callipers need rebuilding, and you are
having problems as you describe, don't you think it is time for an entire
braking system overhaul. As in, do the job correctly and safely?
Doug Ingram
Victoria BC
1958 Sprite (AN5L/636)
1963 Sprite Mk II project (HAN7L/30003)
----- Original Message -----
From <Midget1974MG at>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 8:45 AM
Subject: No Brake Pedal Return - update
> Replaced the pedal return spring and the front rubber hoses.
> Still no full return of the pedal.
> The old hoses looked fine inside (even dissected them). Still, they were
> old.
> The calliper pistons seemed to still have firm pressure on the pads even
> the brake hose disconnected. Had to push the pads back off the rotor to
> the hub to turn freely. Should I have had to do that even with no fluid
> pressure applied against the pistons?
> The callipers didn't look in too good of a shape - old, rusty, bleeder
> seen better bleeding days, etc. Pads looked fine - as did the rotors.
> I believe the callipers need to be rebuilt. So, this week I will take
> up to MGOCs Octagon House in Swavesey and exchange them.
> Austin
> 1974 MG Midget - England
> 1977 MG B Roadster - Florida
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