In many accidents where vehicles have overturned it is not the drivers own
fault but that of dog, other car, pedestrian etc that he is trying to miss.
Amongst the worst of many I attended was a Volvo with a glass sun-roof (it
broke) that over-turned and the upper parts of both driver and passenger
managed to fit through the 0 to 1/4inch gap between the roof and road as it
slid along. Needless to say, they provided the lubricant that spread over
many yards to assist in the roof top slide.
Get a roll bar, get full harness belts and when you are tipped over by the
truck and sliding down the pavement on the bar and hood with you in the middle
(the windscreen will probably break off after grinding down to glass level)
thank your own private God that your hair isn't long enough to get trapped
under the bar and pull your scalp off or that you are not wearing the scarf
mother gave you. Don't forget, when you release the belt buckle to have your
other hand pushing on the road below your head.
Enjoy the car, enjoy life, don't dwell on what can happen but take steps to
prevent it before it does. The guy who says he doesn't think a roll bar is
needed in an open top car is right - he doesn't think.
Gee, that sounded real sad!! Sorry.
Guy R Day
In a message dated 5/23/02 7:00:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> What does it take to get one to roll over? I mean, how sharp CAN I take
> that turn? On dry pavement, will it tend to fishtail first?
> - How can I know if the rollbar I buy is a "real" one, or a decoration?
> - Is there any mod I can do short of a rollbar to help lessen the chance of
> a rollover?
> No fun to think about, but that windshield doesn't look like it would do
> the
> job!
Guy R Day
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