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Re: Chuck made it to Cleveland!

To: cfchrist@earthlink.net, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Chuck made it to Cleveland!
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 23:46:50 EST
In a message dated 12/19/01 11:43:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
cfchrist@earthlink.net writes:

> chris!
> did you avoid the remnants of the blue trunk that was sitting in the lane
> you were in on rte 71?   i was about 10 cars behind you heading for the
> turnpike and just barely missed it!   i saw a lady stopped inspecting her
> car's right front .   it was one of those modern foot locker type of 
> trunks.
> blue panels with brass looking trim around all edges.   oh yes i got a real
> good look at it!  and it was not a small suit case size either!  it was big
> and already missing the top lid.  but still pretty intact .

Yes, I missed it, and yes, it was huge!  Looked to be an Anvil case.  The tow 
truck in front of me swerved onto the shoulder to avoid it, and I was about 
to follow him, but at the last second decided to go into the left lane 
instead.  Good thing I did or you'd have been towing me home, too!

Chris Eck
59 Bugeye

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