Condition of car for sale
Ebay has devised the following ratings to describe the condition
of MGs for sale. Sellers and advertisers are encouraged to use these
descriptions fairly and honestly. They are in addition to the
advertisement wording and are not counted as a paid word.
Condition 1
In apparent exceptional condition, full history (real or imagined), able to
satisfy close
scrutiny from distances of greater than 20 feet and capable of winning a
prize or
commended rosette in a national concours d'elegance or in the mind of the
Basically as new or better than when new, or any portions not meeting these
standards completely and artisticly covered in upholstry, paint, bondo,
rivited plates, or armour all.
Condition 2
No faults, either properly restored by Pep Boys or local shade tree mechanic,
or mainly original with any
repairs completed to a high school student with verbally documented
evidence. Perhaps not good enough to win a respected show award but
not far off and able to be confused with a car that could on a 14 inch
monitor out of adjustment.
Condition 3
Everything looks similar to those in good working order if viewed with
welding helmet in dark garage, with minor blemishes covered by shop towels or
hidden by creative photography, but no obvious unsightly areas or admitted
mechanical problems. Likely to pass an MOT in 12
months time, or with $5000.00 USD in repairs, whichever comes first.
Condition 4
Some rust damage evident from birds eye view and mechanics, body and trim in
condition for a car stored in the hold of the Titanic. Possibly some minor
work, costing slightly less than a SL230 Mercedes, needed to pass as a real
automobile now.
Condition 5
In need of minor restoration work only requiring the cashing in of all
insurance policies, retirement programs, and taking a second mortgage,
possibly unroadworthy, but we'll never admit it.
Closely resembles a childs drawing of a car.
Robert Houston
Santa Teresa, NM
'74 Midget
63 TR4
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and
saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the
infant's life without even considering if there are men on
base." - Dave Barry