Thanks so much for the response. I have checked the installation and
it appears correct. However, that was a good suggestion.
> >From my own embarassing experience, I recommend that you check VERY
>carefully that the bearings are installed with the thrust faces oriented
>correctly. It is easy to do wrong. When one or more of them is backwards it
>results in looseness in the front hub just as you describe. I did it wrong
>twice and each time blamed the hub. When I finally got them in right it was
>tight as a bull's a** in fly season.
>Instant wear of such hard steel seems implausible, and damage of the plastic
>retainer will have no effect on the bearing/race interface.
>Good luck,
>Glen Byrns
Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Assistant Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA
Senior Editor, Molecular Vision