Not such a big deal to turbo a 1275. See Gerard's Garage for a few photos
of mine. The PO welded a custom intake/exhaust manifold and mounted a
Rayjay turbo. Oil feeds from a
T at the oil pressure guage takeoff, returns to a fitting brazed to the top
of the sump. single 1.5"SU facing the back of the car. Dish top low
compression pistons, old fashioned Isky 3/4 race cam without the modern high
lift and large overlap. Centrifugal advance dizzy. Goes like stink and
will deal quickly with a 1380 equipped car. Be sure you have hardened
axles, disc brakes, tight sphincter.
Glen Byrns
'59 bugeye
'59 Morris Traveller (Winifred)
> When my son picked up the 1275 engine out of a barn in New Hampshire, he
> told me how he hit off with the old guy about my age, and that he gave him
> turbo charger and book on how to install it. I am assuming that there is
> least a chance of putting this in a spridget.
> I don't what car this came out of, and reading the book reminds of those
> engineering classes that I bearly passed.
> So good luck to whoever really wants it, for the cost of shipping. The
> qualifiication I have is that you will actually try to get the thing to
> and then share your knowledge with the list.
> David Oliner
> 60 Bugeye
> 67 TR 4A