Thanks for the info! Especially the quotes from the bulletin in your other
email. I had wondered about the nylocks. I think someone had mentioned on
either this list or the mgs list that they couldn't be reused. Glad to hear
there's a simple test to see if they can.
If it turns out the steel stiff nuts I have do not meet the inspection you
mentioned, is a nylock an acceptable replacment? My local hardware has the
fine thread nylocks.
On Monday 22 October 2001 09:39 pm, wrote:
> In a message dated 10/22/01 4:47:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << It's shaped kind of like a nylock
> but all steel, and the end where the nylon insert would be has tiny slits
> between it and the main body of the nut. It seems to be slightly crimped
> or something that gives it some locking ability. >>
> Eddie
> These steel stiff nuts can be reused if they meet the same standards of
> inspection that I quoted in my previous post. They are, I believe,
> available new, albeit of a slightly different design from several sources,
> if you choose to replace them.
> Curt