YES! YES! YES! To Allen. I send him ten or twenty buckos every time he asks,
which seems to be twice a year. Every little bit helps, I'm sure. And this
list alone is worth the price of admission, both in information available and
the yuk-yuk factor. My check goes out today.
Geoff Branch
'74 Meejit "Yellow Peril"
'72 Innocenti 1300 Mini
----- Original Message -----
From <Ajhsys at>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Magpie's Song
> I haven't seen any replies about Mark's latest request, so here is mine.
> SEND MARK SOME MONEY!!!!! For you newbies out there, Mark Bradakis makes
> these lists possible with his undying devotion to British cars and
> autocrossing. He maintains a ridiculous number of lists (go to
> to see them all) and he is also an LBC owner and enthusiast. You may have
> seen his own personal posts on certain subjects.
> My personal opinion is that he offers the best list service in the world.
> There are NO ads, like we have on the Yahoo!Groups lists, and an
> insignificant amount of list down time, that invariably happens when Mark is
> at a car show or on vacation. (OOPS!)
> So the plea for money did not come from a stranger, but from a fellow
> enthusiast who does MORE than his part to promote LBCs and YOUR hobby. Mark
> has made it easy to contribute (see below) and I am signing on to PayPal as
> soon as I finish this message.
> Send him 5 bucks or 10, or whatever you can. It is a pittance compared to
> all the hours of pleasure and help you have received, and will receive. And
> it is much less than annual dues of any car club. (SCCA is now $65 per year.)
> Allen Hefner (getting down off my high goose)
> SCCA Philly Region Rally Steward
> '77 Midget
> '92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> In a message dated 10/11/01 12:10:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > And if you have 1, 5, 10, 20 or whatever dollars left over, consider sending
> > in some to support the continued existence of Team.Net. You can do this in
> > various ways:
> >
> > Paypal - Send your contributions to
> >
> > Checks - Send a check, payable to Fat Chance Garage, in US funds, to
> >
> > Fat Chance Garage
> > PO Box 58333
> > Salt Lake City, UT 84158
> >
> > The foreign currency request from the spring fund drive was quite
> > successful,
> > I got Dollars, Pounds, Francs, Marks, Rupies, even an Australian Loonie. I
> > need to take a photo and get it on a web page. Thanks, everyone.
> >
> > Visa, Mastercard: You can send the info to the Fat Chance address above, or
> > send a fax to 801-355-5438. Perhaps someday my parts business will have
> > online
> > credit card processing. Maybe if I weren't spending so much time keeping
> > the
> > lists running.