Is the Inno "S" the Italian Meejit? If so there is someone on this list, I
think in CT that is always looking for parts. Sorry I can't remember your name!
Hope you are out there!!!!!!
Geoff Branch
'74 Meejit "Yellow Peril"
'72 Innocenti 1300 Mini
----- Original Message -----
From "Bill Hunt" <BillH at>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: Innocenti S project (NFI)
> The guy from Car Orphanage sent along this note with my urethane bushing
> request. Is anyone out there looking for a project?
> >>>>BTW, If you like Spridgets, would you be interested in an Innocenti
> S project?
> Mark Becht
> The Car Orphanage 602.326.6844
> PO Box 2450, Chandler Arizona 85244-2450
> <<<<
> No knowledge, no interest, just thought I would pass it along.
> Herby
> 64 MK II Sprite - HRBYTOY (under construction/de-construction)
> 62 MK II Sprite - HRBYTOY2? (My new driver)
> <>