Just to let you know I haven't dropped of the face of the earth. I am still
"restoring" my '76. I picked up the engine in Charlotte 2 weeks ago and
dropped it off at the garage where my little car is. Have not heard one word
since. Am going out there today. I am really starting to hate those guys!
Anyhow, they are "supposed" to be making up a list of what else I will need -
brake stuff mostly. I will probably need help with whatever they come up
with. I know I can get parts easily and quickly from Moss and from Schumacher
- learned this from you folks and I thank you for that info.
Just wanted you to know I am still hanging in there with this restoration
thing. Hope I get to drive the car before I am too old to have a license
(smile, smile). It has now been in the garage since the 29th of July!
Bev Cleary
Summerville, SC