"pinkyless" chuck wrote: this is going to be a great
month! summit point this weekend and vir at the end of the month!
eeee-HA!............c :)
Speaking of racing, I spoke with a guy in Dallas that has been down to
visit me and I have visited with him from time to time (he is more of a
'B' guy than a Spridget guy). He tells me an interesting story last
night on the phone. It seems a good friend of his in Houston wants to
race spec sprites and so he drives to Houston from Dallas (about a 4
hour drive for those not aware) and then they hook up the trailer and
proceed to drive to Watkins Glen to race for a week. chuck, you need to
show you are more die-hard than the Texas boys and bring the Saab down
to race at College Station at the Texas World Speedway (that is what it
is called, right E.?) Anyway, the real kicker of the story is that while
he was there, he tells me he met a really nice Spridget driver that they
visited with throughout the week. It seems that when this guy found out
that Randy and his Houston buddy were from Texas, he was asked by a
total stranger if he knew me!? I tell you, I was as taken aback by this
little story as much as he was by being asked. To be somewhere you have
never gone to before and have a stranger ask if you if you know a person
from a small town, and it is in fact the ONLY person you know from this
town!! Anyway, after about a half hour of talking on the phone (he
couldn't remember the guys name, he met so many folks) we think we
deduced it was none other than the wonderfully helpfull Andrew Weeks (no
the engine is not together yet... :^( ). It is amazing, to me at least,
how small our circle is because of this little invention of Al Gore's,
the internet.......................
Brad Fornal
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