I sent this to a "thread" that was running on the Midget and Sprite Club
exchange. Thought somone over here might be able to use it too.
--David C.
Return-path: <DLancer7676@cs.com>
From DLancer7676 at cs.com
Full-name: DLancer7676
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 06:11:52 EDT
Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] 1500 rebuild prognosis/ Oil Pressure
To: midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com
In a message dated 10/4/2001 4:09:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
mike643mnp@aol.com writes:
> Ref 1500's, a mates (rather tired) 1500 ran 10-20 psi below my 1380 'A' but
> seemed fine, used a bit of oil but they all do when a little worn. I hear
> they go on for ever!
Speaking of 1500 oil (not oil pressure), I have a difficult time sometimes
reading my oil dip stick, especially when the oil is super clean. Hard
sometimes to locate the level, and in the evening it is even more difficult
in subdued light. I noted that in the new cars, like our Pontiac Grand Am,
there are small holes drilled in the dip stick that fill in with oil as oil
gets to the level of the holes. So I have drilled small holes into my 1500
dipstick, and it works like a charm! Very easy to read now. I plan to do
the same with the 1275 when I get it installed in my '67. If you do this,
just be sure to wire brush and clean all the metal chips away from the
dipstick before reinstalling. I drilled two above the Quart low line and two
--David C.