Mike, Dupont two part flush was the best, I think Prestone is now selling
this. Comes in a tin can with the cleaner and neutralizer at either end of
the can. Follow the directions. This will cause an old system to leak at
any weak point.
>I read in Vizard's book last night that rust on the cylinder walls will
>cause overheating due to impaired heat transfer from the metal to the
>antifreeze. Last week when I had the water pump out to install the high
>capacity Unipart pump, I noticed a red surface rust on my cylinder
>walls. I also have noticed that after an extended period of running
>that there is a brown sludge on the rubber sealing ring of the radiator
>cap, but the coolant is clean when I drain it. The rust in the motor is
>not scaly, just a red surface rust. If this is the cause of my
>overheating (even with the S.U.s) is there something that can be used to
>remove some of this rust short of taking out the engine, disassemble it
>and get the block hot tanked?
>Mike MacLean Supercharged and Thermally Challenged 60 Sprite