umm i have it from reputable sources that tattoos do not hurt! on a counta
'cause amy told me so! lol!!!!! actually they only hurt when larry macy
walks by and yells """ouch-ouch-ouch""". other than that all ya hear is the
buzzing of the bees in the cigatette trees! ah, the price you pay for fine
art! he-he-he!
i have a sprite flash coming to a patch of skin near me soon! ......c. :)
> Just to prove you to guys how much I LOVE my Midget, I did it! I got a
> tattoo of the logo on my ankle...hurt like hell don't let anyone tell you
> differently....
> Tracey in Arkansas
> 1975 MG Midget....the wench (the car not me)
> Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he
> never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.
> - Barbara Bush