It is really annoying.
I am planning on a 5 speed, but I'm just not ready yet! Wanted to use
it for another 6 weeks or so.
AND - this clutch has only done 4000 miles!
----- Original Message -----
From "Paul A. Asgeirsson" <Pasgeirsson at>
To: "Guy Weller" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: 30 September 2001 20:49
Subject: Re: This Weekend's Clutch Quiz!
> Hi Guy,
> I suspect none of the above! (Below?) Sometime even when you have
> off the engine, it's really hard to find either a broken diaphragm
> retainer spring. You can try all of the above, but I suspect that
> will no get mucj more than a twisted back/body/cramps in back and
> of sweat beads in your eyes!
> Good luck, Guy!
> Paul A