Oh, yeah, I forgot!
I'd suggest the HS4's if you've got the ports and valve sizes to match
as along
with the 1.5 roller set up, my bet is you
will be able to use the extra breathing
this combo. will provide in mid and upper
rpm ranges. I used a 45DCOE in my
Vizard build, suitably spec'ed for the
state of tune, which seems very similiar
to your's.
Of course, DV is the guy to talk to on this,
though Dave Anton is no slouch in this
department, either!
Watch the diameter of any "upgraded"
pushrods you get. These can foul stock
bores. Rivergate used upgraded Crane
tubular types which I do not think required
enlargement of the bores.
I have to "mail" Bill Perry at Rivergate
today, anyway, over another item; I'll
ask him about these and get back to you.
Hope you got some sleep! Enjoy your
LBC "street monster"! :)
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)