Somebody, please forward this mail to Judy, as it keeps bouncing from here...
At 11:54 AM 9/17/2001 -0500, Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>No, in case your wondering, Jim "Elmo Mancini, the Meatball Magnate from
>Logantucky" Donato has not been picked up for questioning, (despite his
>swarthy middle-eastern look). "Supposedly", he's frantically putting a race
>motor together...(funny, though, ever since Blackhawk, every time I call
>him on the weekends, he's got a drink in his hand while out on the pontoon
>So, with the Fall Festival looming large, let's talk about the plans. Many
>(like a year ago...) moons ago, I think Shirley Murray asked if the
>ThickTones would play at the welcome party Friday night. I've never heard
>one word since, so I have no idea whether that's "on" or not. (I'm not sure
>it's my place to have to make calls to see if I'm working for free...). So,
>Friday is up in the air. Saturday, I would hope many of you plan on a
>Thicko Village gala, with all the usual trimmings. Speak up faithful
>brethren that can always be counted on bring the food.
>I may be "commuting" Friday night, and Saturday afternoon, due to some
>family commitments like Homecoming, etc., as it's "my" weekend with my
>daughters, and since none of you have cute sons, they seem to be losing
>interest in ther teenaged years in Dad's racing hobby. I may pay for
>practise on Friday, and run Sat until early afternoon, then "beat feet"
>back to IL to see Kate of to Homecoming, and see where other daughter Emily
>had decided to do. I would then haul ass back up to Elkhart for a "later
>than usual" start to the Sat. party. If this is the case, (and I expect it
>will be) I'll need some of you folks with "management" skills to heard the
>masses into position.
>I'm still waiting on a cam for Redrum, as all that have driven it or heard
>it idle agree it's a friggin' stock 1275 (Thanks Elmo for foregtting which
>cam it was you sent with the motor....ARRRRGGGGHHH). So, if the cam shows
>up Tues. or Wed., I may have time to get it in. If not, I'll putt around
>the course, and probably have time to make tea on the front straight.
>Speak up boys and girls.