Thanks to all who helped me on finding the best spot to attach a hoist to my
engine. I broke down and rented a hoist it was only 18.00 for
friday-monday. Good investment in my opinion. I went with attaching it to
the generator bracket and the rear manifold stud. This worked very well. I
also jacked up the car (to allow the engine hoist to be pushed under the
car) this seemed to work out well also.
Things I learned:
1. I found that if you leave the RT engine mount and insulator atached to
the engine it works best, leave insulator and mount attached the body on the
left side.
2. 18.00 engine hoist good investment.
3. I know I was lucky I had the fenders and the front cowl off already, I'm
sure it would have been more complex with these items in place.
4. leave the exhaust manifold off.
Hope this helps some of the other newbies on the list out. I'm working on a
web page to chronicle my adventures.
71 Midget less pieces than yesterday
& a 72 in more pieces