Sept 11, Akron Ohio..sometime PM after the incident.
Akron shut down their water supply for an hour after a threat was called in
that the water had been contaminated....
luckily enough i have an old well too..but thats not the point.
i was asking myself.."why would anybody do this to Akron of all places"
answer to self.."why not?"
later in talking with my oldest son, i found out that a student in his middle
school, pulled the fire alarm for a "prank" shortly after the incident. It
scared the beejeebers out of the entire school! He was suspended instantly.
nobody is safe..everyone must be supportive.
synthetic oil...i plan on trying it for next race season..
probably mobil 1
compare it to my castrol 20-50..see what happens.
If terrorists ever go to the much simpler logistics of a 5 lb
bag of biological mix into a water reservoir, then ironically the
nuke option might look pretty surgical.