Sorry... I'm just so used to spam that I ignore it. I've gotten to the point
I don't even notice it... in fact I had to go back to the site to see what
you were refering to!
Snopes is one of my favorite sites... great reading! I discovered many
"facts" I had always taken for granted were in reality hoaxes... well worth
the nuisance.
It's kind of like being on a car mailing list (I'm on a dozen or so)... using
the "delete" key just gets automatic while looking for the "good" posts.
Seems to really bother some people though... ;-)
Bill Elliott
JustBrits wrote:
> <<More interesting stuff...
> >>
> With the flying banners, Bill, that is one of the more AGRAVATING sites I
> have seen in a while.
> Be "nice" is ya warn folks.
> Ed