Hi, Guy-
You were not the only one who pointed out I am relatively new to the
list and
have not "been here" long enough to have realized we lost a
In this case I apologize because I agree with you and other listers in
that when we
really need help, we need these "types"!
You and others are correct in this. And,
I agree with you and I am not just saying
this to be "politically correct".
And, yes, I, and I am sure pretty much all,
will miss the hell out of Frank; this guy
mailed Stapleton on my behalf for advice
tuning an SU for my Judson blown, SU
equipped 1293 Bugeye "to be", in near,
forseeable future. You cannot get much more helpful than this!! Offered
him some
"squarebody" stuff I've got basically for the cost of shipping, in
return, along with
a fibreglass rear Bugeye clip I have hanging around 'cause I know he
Spridgets of all types and years.
Yet, people are people and are not "one
dimensional" and I for one, enjoy the humorous "off topic" banter which
goes on
though I may not personally be interested in the "off topic", subject
topic! We do have available a "discard" key, after all.
And I, for one, have learned loads of LBC
stuff in my relatively "short time" on the
list, while having owned Sprigets and MG
A's & B's for many, many years. There is
plenty of "on topic" discussion on this site.
I fly with all sorts of guys and girls and
spend overnights together, eating, etc.,
sometimes among other crews from other airlines, as well as our own.
Shop talk goes on between the pilots, of course and we "learn" a lot
from each other, airplane-wise but, this is interspersed with a lot of
"off topic" stuff
for sure, usually humorously spiced!
Guess I am just used to it! I also respect
Rob's freedom of choice, and do not know
what may be going on in his life which might influence his "mood", etc.
is lot of "displaced" stuff that goes on with
people in general; part of the human condition. People feel "here" and
act out
"over there" sometimes.
So, I hope he returns and I sure as hell
hope Frank returns, as well. This guy I
really liked and valued and he talked
off topic stuff as well. I didn't know
Rob as well, obviously, but I WILL miss
Frank, for sure.
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)
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From "Guy Weller" <guy at weller-lakes.freeserve.co.uk>
To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob@webtv.net>
Cc: "spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
References: <2948-3B9817D8-889@storefull-225.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
Subject: Re: too much noise, not enough car stuff - no LBC, really!
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 21:03:30 +0100
Be carefull with your comments,Bob,
If all the really knowledgeablecar peaple go ( and he certainly was /
is one of them)
then we will only be left with the superficial stuff!!
Frank has gone, and now Rob.
I noticed that when I returned to the list several contributors from
the early days who really knew their stuff had left. I am not being
dismissive of the humour an other chat that makes this a good list,
but when you need help it is good to know that the knowledgable folk
are still there!
----- Original Message -----
From "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob at webtv.net>
To: "Steve Jones" <s-jones@swbell.net>
Cc: "spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: 07 September 2001 01:42
Subject: Re: too much noise, not enough car stuff - no LBC, really!
> REALLY-I didn't hear this guy piping up
> with any car stuff; did you?
> Looking for a "car person" list wherein
> the opposite sex, alchohol and of course,
> French Toast is not discussed along with
> other things which make life fun and
> worth living along with our beloved LBC's?
> What planet will he visit, I wonder?
> Certainly not one inhabited by his own
> species, obviously!
> He must be going where no man (er,
> "person") has gone before; gutsy guy!!
> Cap'n. Bob
> '61 :{)